As I often find myself comparing various plugins for the WordPress pwered site, I thought it would be handy to give a nod to my favorite plugins. Without futher ado here is my prefered tag cloud of choice: Configurable Tag Cloud. If you have a tag cloud on your WordPress powered website or blog chances…
Plupload – A new file uploading tool from moxiecode
For those of us that have applications that require the uploading of files, our work has just gotten easier. Earlier this month the folks of moxiecode (tinymce) released the first version of their File Uploading tool Plupload. This handy tool enables users to utilize Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, and other web assets for handling and displaying…
Tips & Tricks: Don’t use UPPER or LOWER function in optimized queries
As a certain project at work evolves I find that more and more of my time is spent on optimizing the T-SQL queries that are utilized. Recently I have come across the issue that an index was not getting utilized in a sql query when I was using the UPPER or LOWER function to do…
Understanding the Trunk, Branches, and Tags hierarchy of Subversion
Subversion (SVN) is one of the most used source control tools for both small and large projects. I am not going to go into the benefits of using Subversion or any source control system in general, instead lets jump right into best practices for organizing your project in Subversion and how it can benefit you,…
WordPress Tips & Tricks: How to use get_posts & get_pages to create custom navigations
In addition to using the wp_get_archives function to display archives, WordPress provides a multitude of other functions that you can use to suit your navigational needs. Two similar functions that come to mind are get_posts and get_pages. The get_posts function returns all the posts that match your criteria while get_pages returns pages. To illustrate how…
Tables are still viable HTML elements
Every day it seems more and more web developers seem to think that tables should not be used. Instead all we see now a days is style=”float: left” or style=”float:right”, even when all the developer is trying to do is create columns. Why do we need to complicate things. If you are creating multiple columns…
Tips & Tricks: How to iterate over a collection using the for loop.
Most Java programmers are aware of how to initialize and use an iterator utilizing the basic while loop. In most cases developers will iterate over a collection for every element in it using the follow generic code: Iterator lIter = myList.iterator(); while(lIter.hasNext()) { … // some logic } However it is surprising how many developers…
Understanding Yahoo Finance Stock Quotes and sl1d1t1c1ohgv
To those just starting to utilize Yahoo Finance to obtain stock information you may get a little disoriented by the query string sl1d1t1c1ohgv. Although at first glance the string sl1d1t1c1ohgv may seem like random letters and numbers it is actually responsible for telling Yahoo Finance what information to return to you. Instead of sending dozens…
Understanding the robots.txt file and its purpose
The robots.txt file is a file that you place at the root of your domain to notify web robots what content of your site should be excluded(e.g. what content they should not index or access). However please understand that robots do not need to follow the instructions you place in this file. Therefore do not…
Google Analytics: How to manage and use Profiles and Filters
Google Analytics has powerful filtering functionality for users to easily segment their statistics to track views of sub-directories, sub-domains, traffic sources, as well as a multitude of other filtering options. These may seem confusing the first time you use them but once you understand how filters work you will find them a handy tool. Filters…