
How to Correctly include jQuery in your WordPress Plugin

One of the most frustrating items I’ve come across recently is that alot of WordPress plugins include their own version of jQuery or similar JavaScript library. Please Stop!!!! What you may not realize is that WordPress comes bundled with the jQuery library and to boot they provide a simple method to not only include it

Platinum SEO Pack vs All In One SEO Pack. Which SEO Plugin should you use?

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization for your WordPress powered website or blog there are 2 main choices: All In One SEO Pack and Platinum SEO Pack. To help you make an informed decision on which to use I have compiled a comparison of the plugins’ features. Feature Comparison Feature All In One SEO

WordPress Tips & Tricks: How to utilize custom fields to enhance your blog posts and main page

Very often when developing a WordPress powered blog or website you may find that you need to add custom features. One of the most common feature requests that I have come across is to add an image to the excerpts that get displayed on the main posts/articles page. Some people will try to utilize the

WordPress Plugins: Configurable Tag Cloud: a better tag cloud

As I often find myself comparing various plugins for the WordPress pwered site, I thought it would be handy to give a nod to my favorite plugins. Without futher ado here is my prefered tag cloud of choice: Configurable Tag Cloud. If you have a tag cloud on your WordPress powered website or blog chances