To those just starting to utilize Yahoo Finance to obtain stock information you may get a little disoriented by the query string sl1d1t1c1ohgv. Although at first glance the string sl1d1t1c1ohgv may seem like random letters and numbers it is actually responsible for telling Yahoo Finance what information to return to you. Instead of sending dozens of individual parameters to determine what information to return Yahoo Finance choose to simply concatenate the variables together. Below is a breakdown of what stock information you can return in your quote.
Stock Quote Variables
Variable | Description |
a | ask |
a2 | average daily volume |
a5 | ask size |
b | bid |
b2 | ask real time |
b3 | bid real time |
b4 | book value |
b6 | bid size |
c | change and percent change |
c1 | change |
c3 | commision |
c6 | change real time |
c8 | after hours change real time |
d | dividend per share |
d1 | last trade date |
d2 | trade date |
e | earnings per share |
e1 | error indication |
e7 | EPS estimate current year |
e8 | EPS estimate next year |
e9 | EPS estimate next quarter |
f6 | float shares |
g | days low |
h | days high |
j | 52 week low |
k | 52 week high |
g1 | holdings gain percent |
g3 | annualized gain |
g4 | holdings gain |
g5 | holdings gain percent real time |
g6 | holdings gain real time |
i | more info |
i5 | order book real time |
j1 | market capitalization |
j3 | market capitalization real time |
j4 | EBITDA |
j5 | change from 52 week low |
j6 | percent change from 52 week low |
k1 | last trade with time (real time) |
k2 | change percent real time |
k3 | last trade size |
k4 | change from 52 week high |
k5 | percent change from 52 week high |
l | last trade with time |
l1 | last trade |
l2 | high limit |
l3 | low limit |
m | days range |
m2 | days range real time |
m3 | 50 day moving average |
m4 | 200 day moving average |
m5 | change from 200 day moving average |
m6 | percent change from 200 day moving average |
m7 | change from 50 day moving average |
m8 | percent change from 50 day moving average |
n | name |
n4 | notes |
o | open |
p | previous close |
p1 | price paid |
c2 | change in percent |
p5 | price per sales |
p6 | price per book |
q | ex-dividend date |
r | price earnings ratio |
r1 | dividend pay date |
r2 | price earnings ratio real time |
r5 | PEG ratio |
r6 | price per EPS estimate current year |
r7 | price per EPS estimate next year |
s | symbol |
s1 | shares owned |
s7 | short ratio |
t1 | last trade time |
t6 | trade links |
t7 | ticker trend |
t8 | 1 year target price |
v | volume |
v1 | holdings value |
v7 | holdings value real time |
w | 52 week range |
w1 | days value change |
w4 | days value change real time |
x | stock exchange |
y | dividend yield |
So what doessl1d1t1c1ohgv stand for?
It tells Yahoo Finance to return the following information about the stock requested.
- Symbol (s)
- Last Trade Value (l1)
- Lat Trade Date (d1)
- Last Trade Time (t1)
- Change (c1)
- Open (o)
- Days High (h)
- Days Low (g)
- Volume (v)
To make accessing the Yahoo Finance Stock Quote service easier for potential users, I have created a Yahoo Finance PHP Wrapper Library that you can utilize to query for stock quotes and information. The library returns the requested data as objects that you can easily extract information from, for full details visit the release page
- YahooFinanceAPI – PHP Library for accessing Yahoo Stock Finances
- AJAX & JSONP Example – How to pull in Stock information utilizing AJAX and JSONP
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