Open Office Productivity Suite

Tired with purchasing new licenses for Microsoft Office, I mean why pay for a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation application. Switch to the Open Office Productivity Suite and you won’t be disappointed. The best part is it is free, and if that doesn’t want to make you jump on board then how about that it read and save Microsoft Office formatted documents and has pdf output integrated, meaning you can easily modify and transfer the document to anyone in any format.

The Open Office Suite comes with 5 applications:

  • Writer
    Writer is a word processor application that has all the features that you would find in Microsoft Word from auto correct, spell checking, Styles and Formatting, Tables, Indexing, and Referencing
  • Calc
    Calc is a spreadsheet application that allows you to easily enter and format data, with function capabilities to query and analyze your data
  • Impress
    Impress is the equivalent of Microsoft Power Point allowing you easily create multimedia presentations in a timely manor.
  • Draw
    Diagramming has never been easier then with Draw. In Draw you can customize your tool box allowing to create schematic drawings, or diagrams quickly and effectively
  • Base
    Is Open Offices integrated Database Manager allowing you to easily create or manage databases from within open office for use in Calc or other applications.

I highly suggest downloading Open Office today and never having to pay another license fee for word or data processing again.

// Open Office //

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