Email Validation is a tough subject to nail down, as their are tons of available code snippets that claim to validate an email address. To make it easier below you will find the requirements for a valid email address as outlined by RFC 2822 followed by a script that can be used to validate email…
Remote Code Execution
Remote Code Execution is a security vulnerability in where a malicious user manipulates input or a url to run code from a remote location. Unlike Cross Site Scripting XSS where only the user is affected Remote Code Execution could run scripts that delete all files on your server. This security risk like most vulnerabilities comes…
Comment and Document your php code with phpDocumentor
Why spend the time to comment your code? As a programmer we spend our time writing code from simple one line scripts to complex applications. No matter what the size adding comments and documenting your code adds to the longevity of your project. The reason I say this is that if you write a library…
Client URL Library (cURL) – An Overview
What is cURL? Client URL Library or cURL for short is a library of functions designed for the purpose of safely fetching information from remote sites. The purpose of the library is to send a request to a server using a defined protocol (http, https, ftp, etc) and to return the result back to you…
auto load your php library classes with spl_autoload_register
Like all php programmers i have become more than familiar with the functions require, include, and require_once. All are for the inclusion and execution of scripts, or in simple terms a method to include classes or code contained in another file. An issue that faced when using these methods is knowing where to find the…
Doctrine – An ORM (Object Relational Mapper) for PHP
Doctrine is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) written for the PHP programming language. First off, for those who don’t know, an ORM is programming technique of connecting objects to the data stored in a relational database. What this provides is an object based method of modifying and interacting with the database instead of writing sql…
Session Fixation
Session Fixation is a security vulnerability where a user sets the Session Identifier (SID) of a user to a known value, allowing them to access your session. This would allow the malicious user to access the user’s private information. For Example: Jason has determined that his neighbor Joe’s bank site is susceptible to a…