All Amazon Widgets that can be created through Amazon’s Widget Source have been integrated into the WP Advertising Associate plugin. In addition we also support Amazon’s leave it to us Omakase Widget for displaying product ads. WPAA includes multiple methods for inserting widgets into your pages and templates through ShortCode, PHP code, or the Widgets Panel of the WordPress Admin.
Amazon Carousel Widget
The Carousel Widget is used to render a rotating carousel of amazon products. These products are linked with your associate tag and allow users to view details on a product and directly buy the product.
[amazon_carousel width=500]
For full details of all available Carousel Widget properties and settings visit the Amazon Carousel Widget detail page.
Amazon Search Widget
The Search Widget is used to enable users to perform searches of Amazon Products for predetermined Search Indexes or Categories (e.g. Books, DVDs, etc). The widget displays a search box and paginated result screen allowing users to find and buy the product they are searching for tagged with your associate id.
The Amazon Search Widget detail page contains detailed information on the available widget options.
Amazon My Favorites Widget
The My Favorites Widget is used to render a paginated list of pre-selected products. As the name suggests you define your list of products and this widget renders them for users to quickly view and purchase.
My Favorites Widget’s properties and settings are available at the Amazon My Favorites Widget detail page.
Amazon MP3 Clips Widget
The MP3 Clips Widget is used to render a flash component that enables users to listen to and purchase MP3 Clips from Amazon.
Visit the Amazon MP3 Clips Widget details page for full details of all available MP3 Clips Widget properties and settings .
Amazon Omakase Widget
The Omakase (leave it tous) Widget is used to render Amazon optimized product ads for your website based on their knowledge of your site and visitors.
[amazon_omakase size=”300×250″]
Visit the Amazon Omakase Widget details page for full details of all available Omakase Widget properties and settings .
Download the latest version of the WPAA plugin to include these widgets in your website today.
I get the widgets to appear at all, are there any special PHP settings/modules that might be causing this?