Amazon Product API PHP Wrapper Library Changelog
This is the changelog of the AmazonProductAPI library for PHP. The current available release of the library can be found here
Version: 1.0.1 Released 11-19-2010
Bug Fix Version – correction to locale validation logic and mapping of Japan to .jp domain
- Correction to setLocale method validation logic.
- Domain map updated from to jp for Japan Locale
Version: 1.0.0 Released: 11-07-2010
Official Release – Unit Testing and general bug fixes throughout the library.
- Strict Mode – enabled support of Strict mode which will throw errors on invalid request.
- toJSON bug fix – fix of bug that caused invalid JSON when string contained double quotes.
- Validatiy Interfaces
- AmazonProduct_iValid – Valiate object
- AmazonProduct_iValidConstant – Validate string is a constant
- Search API – additional SearchIndex added to api to account for EAN,UPC,ISBN, and SKU search requriements
- SearchIndex :: SupportSearchIndexes – convenience method to get associated array of supported search indexes.
- Locales :: SupportedLocales – convenience method to get associated array of supported locales
- Condition :: Collectible – added missing Collectible constant
- Default Locale was incorrectly set to us not US
- ResponseGroup :: CartTopSellers – typo correction to constant
- Unit Testing – implemented through phpUnit
- ItemLookup
- SimilarityLookup
- ItemSearch
- BrowseNodeLookup
- Constant Classes
Version: 0.3.0 Released: 10-23-2010
Implementation of convienence methods, JSON formatting, and support for BrowseNodeLookup operation of the Amazon Product Advertising API.
- Code re-factor of search to execute in AmazonProductAPI class.
- JSON format support by implementing toJSON method
- Support for BrowseNodeLookup operation
- Implementation of AmazonProduct_TopItemSet
- Updated xml parsing of AmazonProduct_BrowseNode
- Typo corrections in AmazonProduct_SearchIndex SHOE and AUTOMOTIVE constants
- ItemLookup operation API methods implemented
- lookup
- lookupByASIN
- lookupByEAN
- lookupByISBN
- lookupBySKU
- lookupBYUPC
- ItemSearch operation API methods implemented
- search
- searchAll
- searchApparel
- searchAutomotive
- searchBooks
- … etc
- SimilarityLookup operation API methods implemented
- similarityLookup
- BrowseNodeLookup operation API methods implemented
- browseNodeLookup
Version: 0.2.0 Released: 10-18-2010
Support for SimilarityLookup operation, result iteration and general code cleanup and re-factor of the APaPi library.
- Code re-factor of cUrl and processing functionality from AmazonProductAPI into AmazonProduct_Request
- Implementation of result iteration
- AmazonProduct_Iterator – defines iterator to loop throough all results
- AmazonProduct_Result->getIterator() – implements IteratorAggregate to obtain result iterator
- Removal of Header variables from result
- Conversion of parseXML methods to utilize updated constructor to reduce lines of code.
- Parameter name correction of Local to Locale in AmazonProduct_Locale
- Enhanced processing to handle request error messages
- Bug Fix – ResponseGroup.php had it’s class defined as AmazonProduct_ResultGroup instead of AmazonProduct_ResponseGroup
- Creation of supporting Amazon Constant Classes
- AmazonProduct_Condition
- AmazonProduct_SimilarityType
Version: 0.1.0 Released: 10-15-2010
Initial Development Version of the AmazonProductAPI. Proof of concept development release containing base classes for performing a generic ItemSearch or ItemLookup from the Amazon Product API
- AmazonProductAPI – main class containing authentication keys and support functions
- Proof of Concept develpment of request and response objects
- AmazonProduct_Request
- AmazonProduct_Response/li>
- Initial build out of data type objects
- AmazonProduct_Abstract
- AmazonProduct_Accessory
- AmazonProduct_AlternateVersion
- AmazonProduct_AvailabilityAttributes
- AmazonProduct_BrowseNode
- AmazonProduct_Collection
- AmazonProduct_CollectionItem
- AmazonProduct_CustomerReviews
- AmazonProduct_EditorialReview
- AmazonProduct_Error
- AmazonProduct_Image
- AmazonProduct_ImageSet
- AmazonProduct_Item
- AmazonProduct_ItemAttributes
- AmazonProduct_ItemLink
- AmazonProduct_Language
- AmazonProduct_ListmaniaList
- AmazonProduct_Locale
- AmazonProduct_Merchant
- AmazonProduct_Offer
- AmazonProduct_OfferAttributes
- AmazonProduct_OfferListing
- AmazonProduct_OfferSummary
- AmazonProduct_Offers
- AmazonProduct_Price
- AmazonProduct_QuantityRestriction
- AmazonProduct_SimilarProduct
- Creation of Amazon Constant Classes
- AmazonProduct_IdType
- AmazonProduct_Locale
- AmazonProduct_Operation
- AmazonProduct_ResponseGroup
- AmazonProduct_SearchIndex
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