
This is the changelog of the WP Advertising Associate plugin. The current available release of the library can be found on the downloads page.

Version: 0.9.0 Released: 10-15-2011

0.9.0 Version Release – Initial relaunch of WPAA
  • Enabled support for sites without Curl PHP Module
  • Name modified to comply wit Amazon Operating Agreement
  • Activation Hook enabled to cancel plugin activation if domain is not compliant with Amazon’s Operating Policy

Archived Versions of WordPress Amazon Associate

Version: 2.0.0 Released: 09-11-2011

2.0.0 Version Release – New Template Support
  • Basic Template Functionality and Administration
  • ip2nation update logic fix
  • Enhanced messages to direct users on how to resolve validation errors

Version: 1.8.0 Released: 05-03-2011

1.8 Version Release – Support for new Amazon Product API locales and invalid credentials support
  • Support for China (CN) Locale
  • Support for Italy (IT) Locale
  • Support for Spain (ES) Locale
  • Additional Error Message added to debug invalid credentials for users
  • Omakase Widget fix to display user inputted style colors

Version: 1.7.1 Released: 07-16-2011

1.7 Bug Fix – Resolve WordPress error where pluggable.php not loaded for some configurations prior to capabilities.php
  • Manual function exists check to confirm wp_get_current_user function exists for utilization of Admin Localization.

Version: 1.7.0 Released: 07-15-2011

1.7 Enhancement Release – Plugin re-factor, bug fixes and options update.
  • Plugin Compatibility
    • WordTwit – fancybox enqueue name corrected
    • wp_tables_reloaded -Associate Filter priority decreased
  • Multi-Author Support
    • Product Preview updated to use Author Associate Id
    • New option to share x% of Author links with Administrator
    • Hide disabled locale fields for Author Settings
  • Geo Localization
    • APaPi library updated to return failure when Product ID is invalid for locale.
    • Static link localization checks for 405 error code
    • uninstall ip2nation database option
  • Content Viewer Module – Admin can view site content as specified locale
  • Quick Links Module – HTML Editor Text Selection support
  • Cache Module – clear cache option
  • Widget Sytling – support for container, container_class and container_style short code parameters
  • Admin
    • Settings Page Update Message
    • Removal of Admin Error Message if AWS Credentials not present
    • Disable of tinyMCE and Quick Links controls if AWS Credentials not present
    • Disable of Widgets from tinyMCE control if disabled in options
    • Migrated Widget management to new sub page
    • Overall code re-factor
    • Site Installation Tracking

Version: 1.6.1 Released: 06-25-2011

1.6.X Bug Fix Release – WordPress Multiuser (MU/Network) Fix
  • Change admin capabilities to manage_options to enable plugin administration by administrators on WordPress MultiUser/Network installations.
Version: 1.6.0 Released: 05-18-2011
1.6.0 Enhancement Release – support for Geo Localization of static amazon product links and minor changes to Amazon Enhanced Ads.
  • Associate Filter logic updated :
    • Enhanced regex to return only valid amazon links
    • Geo-Localization support added so that if enabled static product links will be converted to visitors Amazon locale if the product link is valid in that locale.
  • Amazon Enhanced Ad Shortcode support for container and container_class attributes.
  • tinyMCE controls updated with Amazon Enhanced Ad changes
  • preg_match_all additional compatibility fix

Version: 1.5.4 Released: 05-11-2011

Release 1.5.X Bug Fix / enhancement release.
  • Widget Fix – proper extraction of before/after_widget/title options
  • PHP 5.X < 5.2.2 compatibility - updated preg_match_all regex to be compatible with PHP 5 versions less than 5.2.2.

Version: 1.5.3 Released: 05-10-2011

Release 1.5.X Bug Fix / enhancement release.
  • Corrected AmazonProduct functions to return output instead of echo which was causing links to appear at top of post content.

Version: 1.5.2 Released: 05-09-2011

Release 1.5.X Bug Fix / enhancement release.
  • Fixed Author Associate ID usage with Amazon Product Enhanced Ads
  • Enabled support for alt and title attribute for Amazon Product Images
  • Enabled support for title attribute for Amazon Product links
  • Re-factor of ShortCodeHandler to reuse Amazon Product static functions

Version: 1.5.1 Released: 04-28-2011

Release 1.5.0 Bug Fix / enhancement release.
  • Enable TinyMCE controls for Author level users.
  • Fixed Associate Filter logic so that links that appear multiple times on a single page do not get tagged multiple times.

Version: 1.5.0 Released: 03-01-2011

Minor release to add support for Amazon Product Cloud Widget and Enhanced Ads, update ShortCode to allow for user styling, and other minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Support for Amazon Product Cloud Widget
  • Support for Amazon Enhanced Display Ads
  • Amazon Product Links enhancements
    • added rel attribute support for links defaulted to nofollow
    • added container and container_class attribute support to allow for styling of amazon links, images and enhanced ads
  • Quick Links Module corrected so that images are now insertable into posts/pages
  • Cache Module updated to check for and update modified associate id from cached link values
  • TinyMCE editor enhanced with prices and links to Amazon to view additional details. – Thanks to Sean Malone for sharing these updates.

Version: 1.4.1 Released: 12-28-2010

Quick Links HTML editor mode bug fix and new class attribute to Amazon Product Image ShortCode amazon_image.
  • Corrected Quick Links JavaScript to use the send_to_editor function if editor is in HTML mode.
  • Added additional class attribute to amazon_image ShortCode to allow for image alignment and styling.

Version: 1.4.0 Released: 12-11-2010

Support enabled for Caching of Product information and Multi-Author websites. Product requests made to the Amazon Product Advertising API are now cached to a local database so subsequent calls for the same product do not cause a request to Amazon. Additionally if your website has multiple content authors you can enable the ability to have those users specify their associate tags in the profile page so they get the revenue for any links/widgets in their content.
  • Cache Module and WPAA_CacheHanlder class defined. The Cache Module defines all the possible settings that a user can configure and the CacheHandler performs the actual logic for reading/writing products from the cache.
  • MultiUser Module created that adds associate tag fields to user profiles. Added multi-user option to Settings page to enable/disable.
  • Quick Links Module defined so that users can quickly insert links in 2 steps from the post/page editor screen.
  • Import Associate Tags supported for Amazon Link Plugin
  • Import Associate Tags supported for Amazon Associate Link Localizer Plugin
  • General code cleanup to remove PHP Notice messages

Version: 1.3.1 Released: 12-03-2010

Bug Fix to the Amazon MP3Clips Widget.
  • Corrected widget_type ShortCode option in the AmazonWidget_MP3Clips class.

Version: 1.3.0 Released: 12-03-2010

Support for Amazon Omakase Widget and tinyMCE controls for inserting Widgets into posts through Short Code. Widgets can also now be set to utilize geo localization.
  • Omakase Widget Support:
    • AmazonWidget_Omakase class created.
    • Widget_Amazon_Omakase class created.
  • tinyMCE control re-written as drop down with options to insert links and widgets.
  • removal of shortcode_unautop content filter.
  • Geo Localization of Widgets fully supported.
  • General styling and label fixes throughout admin pages and widget controls.

Version: 1.2.3 Released: 11-26-2010

Corrected default ShortCode Arguments for Amazon Widgets. Attributes were getting removed by the WordPress shortcode_atts method as they were not in the default array of attributes. Thanks to Ty Lee for identifying this bug.
  • Updated getDefaultShortCodeOptions method for:
    • AmazonWidget_Carousel
    • AmazonWidget_MP3Clips
    • AmazonWidget_MyFavorites
    • AmazonWidget_Search

Version: 1.2.2 Released: 11-24-2010

Enabled support for Amazon’s Italy and China Locales in addition to bug fix to underlying APaPi cUrl settings that causes errors with some php settings.
  • Support for inputting Italy locale Associate tag.
  • Support for inputting China locale Associate tag.
  • Amazon Link Filter updated to utilize China/Italy associate tags if product link is from their Amazon domain.
  • CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option removed from APaPi cUrl settings.
  • Settings admin panel updated with links to include associate websites for all locales.

Version: 1.2.1 Released: 11-22-2010

Bug Fix release to IP2Nation module. Plugin only queries ip2nation when user loads the WP – Amazon > ip2nation admin panel.

Version: 1.2.0 Released: 11-20-2010

Release 1.2 focused on the support for multiple locales, including the ability to enable geo localization of product links through the inclusion of ip2nation.
  • WPAA Admin:
    • Amazon Associate Settings modifed to support associate tags for all locales.
    • Allows enable/disable of Locales
    • Enable/Disable of GeoLocalization
    • Addition of User Feedback meta box to admin panel
  • New IP2Nation Module that allows for installing/updating of ip2nation database.
  • Amazon Product Links updated with locale property to specify desired locale, defaults to Geo Localization if enabled.
  • Upgrade APaPi library to version 1.0.1 to fix Japan locale error.
  • Amazon Filter updated to output associate tag based on the link locale.

Version: 1.1.0 Released: 11-14-2010

This release contains the new Compliance Module that enables users to switch to WordPress Amazon Associate without having to rewrite ShortCode from previously installed plugins. Widget support has been extended with preview functionality so users can view what their widgets will look like without have to go to the live website. Plugin has been re-factored to support language localization.
  • Support ShortCode Compliance with following WordPress Plugins:
    • WP-Amazon-Search Widget
    • WP-Amazon-MP3-Widget
    • WP-Amazon-Carousel
  • Admin preview of Amazon Widgets – integrated fancybox javascript library to allow for preview of Amazon Widgets from the Appearance > Widgets admin screen.
  • Search and My Favorites Widgets updated with missing design parameters borderColor and backgroundColor
  • I18n support – Plugin .pot has been generated and is available for transaltors
  • Validation logic updated to browseNodeLookup of unique locale dependent nodes
  • Configurations page renamed to Settings

Version: 1.0.2 Released: 11-10-2010

Product Preview jQuery conflict resolution.
  • The Amazon Product Preview script includes it’s own version of jQuery, which in some instances causes conflict and failure of the preview panels. To resolve there is an optional noConflict option in the admin that remaps jQuery allowing Amazon Product Previews to function.

Version: 1.0.1 Released: 11-09-2010

WordPress Standardization – updated default configurations and documentation to comply with WordPress best practices.
  • Support Us by using our Associate Id set to 0% (off) by default.

Version: 1.0.0 Released: 11-7-2010

Official Release of WordPress Amazon Associate plugin introduces support for Amazon Product Previews and enhanced Amazon Widget Controls
  • Amazon Product Previews – Admin page allows for toggling of Product Previews for all amazon supported product links.
  • Amazon Widgets:
    • Enhanced JavaScript controls to disable/enable supported properties on changes.
    • Updated logic to output only required fields based on type and design.
  • Upgraded APaPi library to version 1.0

Version: 0.3.0 Released: 11-4-2010

Support for Amazon Widgets that can be created through Source Code. Plugin completely re-factored with new naming format and structure. New Filter added to update all product links to configured value. Implementation of Product and Widget APIs to allow for quick inserts in WordPress template files.
  • Support for Amazon Widgets:
    • Carasoul
    • Search
    • My Favorites
    • MP3 Clips
  • PHP API Support – enables quick implementation of Product Images, links, and widgets.
    • AmazonProduct
    • AmazonWidget
  • Amazon Associate Filter – content/comment filter that parses content for product links and replaces associate tag with value in plugin settings.
  • WordPress ShortCode – enhanced support for widgets
    • amazon_carousel
    • amazon_mp3_clips
    • amazon_my_favorites
    • amazon_search
  • Amazon Product tinyMCE – enabled ShortCode option so that by default images are inserted and only ShortCode is rendered if selected.
  • Plugin Administartion:
    • Associate Filter Settings – enable/disable of content filter
    • Widget Management – WordPress widget management of Amazon Widgets through Widget Panel
    • Widget Settings – enable/disable of Widgets available in Widget Panel
    • Support through Associate ID – Enable users to support developer through using developer associate id in product links. Defaults to 5% of links.
  • BasicWidget deprecated – removal of prototype widget from plugin.

Version: 0.2.0 Released: 10-25-2010

Support for Amazon localizations, Short Code implementation of Amazon Products and Images, and tinyMCE button for quick post/page inserts.
  • Plugin Administration:
    • Amazon Locale Support
    • Validate Web Server Access Keys
  • WordPress ShortCode:
    • amazon_link – allows for lookup and output of product link tagged with associate id from settings.
    • amazon_image – allows for lookup and display of a products image with optional link through.
  • Amazon Prodcut tinyMCE – extended tinyMCE button to allow for you to do inline search and insert of amazon products and images directly into your post/pages without leaving your website.
  • JSON Servlet – APaPi based JSON servlet to perform lookup and searches of Amazon Products.

Version: 0.1.0 Released: 10-22-2010

Proof of Concept – This initial release was used to verify the APaPi library could be used and configured in WordPress with a basic admin screen and Widget.
  • Plugin Administration:
    • WordPress Amazon Associate – admin top level menu item
    • Amazon Associate (meta box) – enables configuration of your Associate Id
    • Amazon Web Services (meta box) – supports configuration of your access and secret key configurations.
    • About the plugin (meta box) – informational display of current version of the library and developer information
    • Support (meta box) – paypal button to allow users to support the developers of the plugin.
  • Integration and load of APaPi library Version 0.2.0
  • Creation of Basic_Widget to confirm widget setup and usage
  • Warning message displayed if amazon web services is not configured.

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