APaPi – Amazon Product api PHP interface

PHP Wrapper Library for the Amazon Product API

APaPI is an open source php library for interacting with the Amazon Product Advertising API. The purpose of creating this library is to enable php developers an easy interface for searching and obtaining content about books, dvds, cds and other products from Amazon. This Open Source Library is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 license and is copyright Matthew John Denton – MDBitz.

Currently the project contains support for performing the ItemLookup, ItemSearch, BrowseNodeLookup, and SimilarityLookup operations supported by the Amazon Product API. Please visit the downloads and changelog pages to download the latest version of the APaPi library and to see what changes have been made between releases. If this is your first time using the library you may want to head over to the examples section to learn how to configure and use the Amazon Product api PHP interface library.

Comments & Questions

  1. Why does the search box not find known Amazon items.

    For instance Blendtec – Vitamix – Juicer – Blender

    I could go on

    If I search for these on the Amazon site – No Problem

    Only with your plugin

    Please advise

    1. The Search that Amazon provides to users of their website is different than the search they provide by their Product API. The plugin uses Keyword search and as such if you use commas (,) instead of dashes(-) you should be able to get results.

  2. with “product previews” disabled, the site is again centered.

    so this left-alignment is a function of product previews? i’d like to use them.

    1. Steve:

      The “Product Preview” functionality is sourced from Amazon. If enabled we source a javascript file into the web page that handles identification of products and handlers. The issue you are experiencing is due to a css conflict between the included Amazon Code and your website. I’ll see if I can spend a little time to identify the specific conflict however the change will have be done within your website’s theme.

  3. I am a llittle confused. When I went to create the Amazon Web Services account, the site wanted my credit with no explanation as to why. Can you give an explanation ?

  4. I am so happy that I found this site. I’ve been searching for days at the wordpress for this plugin. I have been using this and so satisfied with it but when I changed my host server recently I thought it will always be available at the wp and I don’t have a copy of this amzing plugin. Yet again, so glad!
    Keep up and more power!

  5. Italian shop cannot be set as active and primary shop…can you please fix in the next release? thank you

    1. Alessandro:

      The Italian Amazon Affiliate program is not currently supported by the Amazon Product Advertising API. The plugin utilizes the API to do product searches and obtain links and images. When the API is updated with the Italy locale I will enable it and allow it to be set as a primary location.


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