To help you get started utilizing the Harvest api PHP interface library we have created a series of tutorials. In these tutorials you will learn everything from configuring the library to querying the Harvest API for desired information.
Available Examples
- Basic Setup & Configuration: learn the basics of how to setup the HaPi library with your harvest settings.
- Understanding the Harvest_Result Object: all API calls made through the HaPi library return the Harvest_Result object, this example will walk through its properties and how to check for a successful query.
- Querying information from Harvest: now that you understand the basics of the HaPi library, it is time to make your first request using the library.
- Harvest_Range preset time periods: the reporting features of the Harvest API are made user friendly by the preset time periods of the Harvest_Range object.
- Using the advanced reporting functions of HarvestReports: learn how to harness the HarvestReports class to perform advanced queries like getting a user’s active timer.
I’m trying to get all entries for all projects, and was wondering if there was any better way then just getting all entries by projectid