Compatibility with existing Amazon Widget Plugins

In version 1.1.0 we introduced a new Compliance Module to the WP Advertising Associate plugin. The idea behind the compliance module is to make switching to the WPAA plugin easy and hassle free for website administrators by supporting ShortCode and settings used in existing plugins.

ShortCode Compliance

As of the initial release the module allows for compatibility with ShortCode plugins that render the Amazon Widgets through Widget Source. The module allows the user to navigate to the WP – Amazon > Compliance admin page and select the plugins whose ShortCode they would like WP Advertising Associate to recognize and render. At the moment the following plugins are recognized:

  • WP-Amazon-Search Widget
  • WP-Amazon-MP3-Widget
  • WP-Amazon-Carousel

Forthcoming Functionality & Notes

As the plugin continues to develop we hope to enable the ability to import settings from other plugins as well. If you are using one or more of the above plugins, stream-line your blog by installing the WP Advertising Associate plugin today.

Comments & Questions

  1. Have been trying to use the plugins..the search and the carousel, neither one will add to website, and when I go to my widgets they come up and then disappear immediately. I did a carousel ad manually but I’m not even sure that has my assoicate code in it. Need help!!!

    1. Karen:

      I visited your website and see both a Search ( untill a little after 8 I assume you were modifying the website ) and Carousel widget on your site. You might want to ensure that you don’t have ad blocking software enabled in your browser as that will stop amazon widgets from appearing.

      Also please make sure to input your Associate tag within the Setting page of the plugin (WP – Amazon > Settings ) that is found in the left navigation of the WordPress Admin page as currently I see that the items are tagged with my associate id.

      Please let me know if the issue does not get resolved as I checked your website in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari and the widgets are working everywhere.

      > Matthew

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